Reference citation index to toxic chemicals

This directory links to text files containing over 3,300 literature citations about toxic chemicals. To get back to this page after viewing a text file, hit the back button on your browser. The directory has a file, README.TXT, with the following information, which you might want to print or download for future reference.

README.TXT file describing contents of the toxics directory:

These files were generated so that people without access to university and government journal libraries and services could obtain the authors, dates, and names of references to toxics.

The files in this directory were compiled from a master list of references to weeds and toxics. The master list has over 3,700 references to toxics and invading species (weeds), and is continually updated. The number of weed references is still undergoing rapid expansion, so this is an interim subset from the master list.

Some of these references were formerly availble at other web sites and I apologize for the inconvenience to those doing research. A brief set of citations to some of the most pertinent references can be accessed by clicking here. It was suggested that I divide the references into usable categories which could be separately downloaded and I have tried to do this. Since the references were pulled from so many sources, neither the format nor the character style is standardized, however I have made an attempt to standardize the primary authors by lastname, firstname; and the dates have been standardized to follow the authors, followed by a period.

Description of the files: The master database has a keyword field used to search for records with given criteria. The use of those keyword searches comprises a description of how the records were generated. The * is a wildcard character allowing additional characters to occur nest to the keyword; keywords AND and OR are significant, and parenthetical expressions are evaluated first.

ALLHERB.TXT (281 references, 54K; references to herbicides) - Keyword "*herbicide*".

PESTWILD.TXT (981 references, 172K; toxics references about wildlife effects) - Keywords "*wildlife*" OR "*salmon*" OR "*amphibian*" OR "*aquatic*".

FATE.TXT (1596 references, 179K; toxics references about environmental fate; exclusive of wildlife effects references listed above in PESTWILD.TXT) - Keywords "*fate*" OR "*ecotoxicity*" OR "*water*" OR "*golf*" OR "*pollution*" AND NOT("*wildlife*" OR "*salmon*" OR "*amphibian*" OR "*aquatic*").

HEALTH.TXT (313 references, 59K references to human and mammalian toxicology and health effects of herbicides; exclusive of wildlife effects references listed above in PESTWILD.TXT; also exclusive of references with eco.. in the name, e.g., "ecotoxicity" and "ecology", but including other references to environmental fate) - Keywords "*toxic*" OR "*cancer*" OR "*endocrine*" OR "*health*" AND NOT("*wildlife*" OR "*salmon*" OR "*amphibian*" OR "*aquatic*" or "*eco*").

MISCTOX.TXT (188 references, 33K; miscellaneous toxics references exclusive of the above sets, but about pesticides, lead, nitrate, organochlorines, heavy metals, Agent Orange or inert ingredients) - Keywords "*lead*" OR "*nitrate*" OR "*organochlorine*" OR "*heavy*" OR "*inert*" OR "*Orange*" OR("*pesticides*" AND NOT("*toxic*" OR "*cancer*" OR "*endocrine*" OR "*health*" OR "*fate*" OR "*ecotoxicity*" OR "*water*" OR "*golf*" OR "*pollution*" OR "*wildlife*" OR "*salmon*" OR "*amphibian*" OR "*aquatic*").

ALLWEED.TXT (298 references, 49K references to weeds, invading species, weed management and control) - Keywords "*inva*" OR "*mycorrhizae*" OR "*metapopulations*" OR "*control*" OR "*management*".